Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Parlay, I like how that word rolls off the tongue.  Random, I know. 

Last semester I was invited to be one of the 4 inaugural 'bloggers' on the NHH student blog.  So, I parlayed my experience from my personal blog into a slightly more professional blogging gig.  Fancy.  The blog just went live last week so I'll be blogging from there on and off before I complete my studies in June.  Click on the image below to check out the new NHH student blog:

Update:  there were NO northern lights last Friday.  Bummer!  It was still fun to think about.  The quest continues.

Last weekend kicked off 'Uken' at NHH which is a 3 week long festival of music concerts and events.  As you can imagine, there's a fair amount of beverage consumption involved but it's also quite a school spirit and community oriented event. 

There is a 'actors' group of 10 NHH economics students who write, stage and put on a show which is a collection of sketches as one of the Uken events.  It's a competitive audition process and a big time commitment for the semester.  My flatmate from last semester, Knut Anders, was selected as an actor so we all went to support him and enjoy the show last Saturday evening.  Yes, it was in Norwegian, but I got the gist and was VERY impressed with the performance level.  And, there was plenty of singing and dancing for this ol' musical theater gal to be loving it.  There's a whole crew of student volunteers doing all the behind-the-scenes work and the show was quite professional.  This is a super fun memory I will have from my NHH days.  Here's a few photos to give you an idea of the show (note- I only wish I skills and camera enough to take these photos!).

I'm hoping we shake the rain soon.  It's been overcast and drizzling for weeks!

raindrops keep falling on my head,
lisa liv

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