Monday, November 07, 2011

~sunny days are here again~

Literally. We have had some beautiful sunny crisp days in Bergen in the last week.  This is the Bergen I know and love!  (which of course I'm inside all day studying, but, that's how it goes)  

Though, I must admit I've been having crazy flashes of Christmas.  I'm sure it's because once Christmas is upon us that means I'm through finals, and I want that like I want a new wetsuit for Christmas ( <------- dear Santa, not so subtle hint).  But, the weather feels exactly like a SoCal Christmas.  Even the smells in the air- it's wild!  I'm ready to sing Silver Bells and pull out the mistletoe.

On that note, I just read a really cool blog post I wanted to share about how the kWh cost of solar energy continues to decrease- tres cool!  Solar has it's issues with predictability and the whole the sun doesn't shine and night thing.  But, it's still really encouraging to see and I encourage you to read.  See the post here 

It also makes an interesting point about shale gas.  My personal favorite line is '... special treatment for fracking makes a mockery of free market principles'.  Perhaps that whet your appetite to jump in and read.

Oh dear readers, I am studying energy.  I get jazzed on these kinds of things. 


Ok, something fun for the day.  Do you know about 8tracks?  It's my favorite new place for music listening online.  Remember making mixed tapes?  Yes, totally dating myself.  Or, nowadays, my super awesome music club gals in San Diego- we make mixed CD's and share new music.  

Well, this is the same idea.  People from around the world have signed up, made profiles and put mixes together for all sorts of things- workout mixes, wake up in the morning mixes, sad and weepy breakup mixes, indie artists mixes, mash-up mixes, classical music mixes and... my very favorite at the moment... study mixes!

check it out for free listening here    And you don't have to have a profile to listen

radiantly yours,
lisa liv 

ps. I am on a friggin roll... 3 posts in 7 days?!  that's a new lisa o record.  yes, i want to make a lisa o record too, but, you know what i mean. 

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