Thursday, August 26, 2010

I apologize for my delay, the time is flying by with welcome week activities last week (ie. the largest social events of the year.... I felt like I was back at 'SC!  The events were a great way to meet a lot of people and get to know new classmates as well as infuse the Norwegian economy by purchasing large amounts of beer- side note: not cheap) and the first week of classes this week.  I'm attending more classes than I intend on taking this semester just to make sure I get myself a good line up.  I've attended Econometrics, Petroleum Economics, The Economics of Climate Change, Resource Economics, Energy-Natural Resources and the Environmental Sector, Economic Decision Models and Norwegian 1.  Whew!  Today was 8 hours of class... ouch!  But gratifying. 

Also, it seems Bergen weather has now settled in.  The first few weeks of my stay in Bergen were fantastic weather.  Now I'm starting to see the rain.  It's really not so bad since I live close to campus and am mentally prepared for it.  Thank you Erin, Mandy, Nedra and Sara for my super purple/magenta umbrellaI I use it daily!  I know, it seems the weather doesn't phase me now, talk to me in a few months.  As such, I purchased some rain boots!  When in Norway and of Norwegian decent, purchase 'Viking' rain boots :)  The weather is funny, you really never know what will come from hour to hour.  Rain one hour and sun the next. This can also make for some fabulous sunsets (pic from my dorm room).

After a big 'Welcome Week', a very rainy Sunday was a relaxing pleasure.  I baked a cake for my kitchen mates (8 of us total I believe) and Paul and Johnny played some chess.  I even pulled out the guitar and played a few songs for my new friends including Marta from Norway and Francesca from Italy.  Paul and Johnny are also from Norway.  We have a great kitchen community!

 Kitchen Songstress
Watch out, Johnny's on the move!
Johnny and Paul

Time to head to bed...... God Natt!

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